UK Innovator visa

UK Innovator Visa (ex-Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa):
Specialised relocation programme for global entrepreneurs

The UK Innovator Visa programme is designed for
international entrepreneursplanning to start an innovative business in the United Kingdom.

Ranked by the World Bank as one of the most business-friendly countries globally,
the UK can be the perfect launchpad for your new venture.

What is the UK Innovator Visa?

The UK Innovator Visa (previously known as the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa) is a streamlined immigration route designed for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. It offers talented individuals the opportunity to establish their innovative businesses in the UK. Applicants are required to demonstrate a viable business plan endorsed by an approved endorsing body, showing potential for growth and innovation.

The visa provides successful candidates with a pathway to residency and eventual citizenship, fostering a dynamic environment for innovation and economic growth in the UK.

Who is eligible for the UK Innovator Visa?

The UK Innovator Visa is designed for entrepreneurs who wish to establish or develop their business in the UK.

To be eligible, applicants must have a viable business idea endorsed by an approved endorsing body. The business idea must be innovative, scalable, and have the potential for growth.

UK Innovator Visa Business Plan

UK Innovator Visa business requirements​

Your business idea is new​
You must register a completely new business and cannot join a company that is already trading.

Your business idea is innovative​
The UK Innovator Visa requires applicants to demonstrate that their proposed business idea is innovative. That means you need to be developing a unique and creative solution to address market needs or challenges.

You will need to show that your business idea introduces novel products, services, technologies, or business models that differentiate it from existing offerings in the market. 

Your business idea is viable
Viability is a critical criterion for the UK Innovator Visa. You will need to provide evidence that your business idea has a realistic chance of success in the UK market. Start by prioritising thorough market research to validate the demand for your product or service, assessing potential competitors, and developing a robust business model with achievable milestones and revenue projections.

Your business idea is scalable
Scalability is another key criterion for the UK Innovator Visa, emphasizing the potential for the proposed business venture to grow and expand over time. You will need to outline a clear strategy for scaling their business operations, including plans for increasing production capacity, expanding market reach, or diversifying product offerings.

UK Innovator Visa Business Plan

The UK Innovator Visa business plan is a blueprint for your business idea and growth strategy. It’s a fundamental element of your application.

Ideally, your business plan should contain a detailed overview of the proposed products or services, target market analysis, competitive landscape assessment, and unique selling propositions. It should include financial projections, outline revenue forecasts, startup costs, and funding sources.

What else? The perfect UK Innovator Visa business plan outlines your team structure, operational plan, marketing strategies, and milestones for business growth. 

Need assistance with your
UK Innovator Visa business plan? 

Why Open Kinetics

Authentic expertise

Every UK Innovator visa case is unique.
That’s why we never automate the creative and intellectual work that goes into our cases.

Every case receives careful attention from a talent mobility expert with years of genuine expertise.

This way we can ensure that your unique achievements and background get the recognition they truly deserve.

Nuanced approach

We don’t skim and scan.

Every relevant detail of your background is carefully analysed by our talent mobility team.

In our experience, attention to detail can make or break an application.

That’s why we double and triple check every small detail.

Insider knowledge

Endorsement from an appropriate UK organisation is the mandatory basis of any UK Innovator Visa application.

Endorsing organisations openly list official requirements that every application needs to satisfy. However, every organisation has certain unspoken preferences and expectations.

With over 700 successful cases, we have a firm grasp of what endorsing bodies genuinely want to see.

Collaborative communication

We are a talent mobility studio.
We are not a traditional law firm nor are we a purely technology-driven solution.

This is reflected in how we communicate with our clients. We believe that the highest quality results come from focused, collaborative discussions.

With a dedicated communication channel for every client, we make it a priority to learn as much as possible about your case to ensure we put together the best case possible.

Our 5-step UK Innovator Visa roadmap

We offer all our clients a free assessment to help you understand whether a UK Global Talent visa is a good fit for you.
If there are alternative visa options available to you such a UK Innovator/Founder visa, we will always guide you through your options.

Our team will carefully look through any existing documentation you may already have.
This can include any CVs and professional profiles as well as personal statements, references, and media coverage of your work.

We will then create a personalised roadmap for your case and agree on fees & timescales.

Based on information you provide about yourself, we will carefully curate your professional portfolio.
This will later be sent to Tech Nation to secure their endorsement of your visa candidacy.

Your portfolio will include your CV, professional profiles, personal statement, and letters of reference.
Our team will structure your portfolio to conform to Tech Nation’s requirements and expectations.

Securing endorsement of your visa candidacy from Tech Nation is the basis of a successful Global Talent visa application. 

We will communicate with you to ensure we have collected all relevant information about your case. Once your portfolio is perfected, we will file for endorsement on your behalf.

Once your endorsement is secured, we will collect all necessary documents to file for the Global Talent visa.
At this stage we will also process the required  documentation for any family members that you wish to bring to the United Kingdom with you.

Once your visa is issued, we offer bespoke guidance on your relocation to the United Kingdom.
Either in-house or through our network of trusted partners, we are happy to assist you with business, property, and education advice.

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