Rates and fees

Please, note that our fees are exclusive of the Home Office fees, and other  disbursements, such as photocopying and scanning, interpreters’ fees, certified  translations, and postal charges. 

The scope of works covered by our fees include:  

  1. Initial consultation,  
  2. All attendances, written and telephone correspondence with you and  relevant 3rd parties,  
  1. Review, preparation and submission of application and relevant  supporting documents, 
  1. Making representations to the Home Office,  
  2. Informing you of any developments as and when they arise and  submission of all necessary documentation.
Entry clearanceFees
Initial consultation (50 min) £300
Initial applicationFees
Innovator Founder (main applicant)£5000
Global Talent (both Stage 1 and Stage 2 applications)£5500
Global Talent endorsement review£1500
Skilled Worker£1500
Global Business Mobility (all categories)From
Extension applicationFees
Tier 1 Entrepreneur (main applicant)£5000
Tier 1 Investor£5000
Innovator Founder£3500
Global Talent£2000
Skilled worker£1800
Global Business Mobility£1000
Settlement applicationFees
Tier 1 Investor / Tier 1 Entrepreneur/ Innovator / Innovator Founder£5000
Skilled worker£2000
Global Talent£2000
Sponsorship licenceFees
Sponsor Licence£4000
Defined/Undefined Certificate of Sponsorship£800
Change of Circumstances£800
Mock compliance visit (During the visit, we will examine your HR systems and processes against the immigration requirements, provide feedback and recommendations if any changes or rectifications are required to bring the existing HR policies and monitoring tools in line with the Home Office regulations and your sponsor duties.)£2000

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